We were starting to wonder if this would ever happen. On Monday, Becca asked to wear her princess underwear. Once she went a few times, she really got the hang of it. She only had one accident the entire week! Now we'll have to wean out the candy in the next few weeks so she doesn't think that you get a treat everytime you go for the rest of her life! So exciting to have one baby in diapers!
My nephew, Luke Lytle, got ordained the Aaronic Priesthood. We are so happy for him and he's a good example to all his cousins. My mom gave the girl cousins the matching dresses. We missed Kennedee at this event and can't wait to see her at Christmas time.
I got this idea from the Family Fun magazine. Our family voted for what we will eat for dinner on Election night. Each child chose a main dish, veggie, fruit, dessert, side, and drink. Their "candidate" was placed on the ballot. We had a debate to tell why the others should vote for their particular dinner. For instance, one debate was about choosing jello for fruit. It was argued that jello isn't a fruit and unhealthy for you. The other side debated that while it's not technically a fruit, you can add fruit to the jello and it's really yummy. We had closing statements and then each person secretly voted. When pizza lost to cream cheese chicken, two children were disappointed. We learned that while our favorite candidate may win or lose, it's always important to vote anyway. Plus, we can eat pizza the next night!! We had a fun time with our election night and we'll get to eat what everyone voted for tomorow night on the real elections.
For Halloween, we had Mario (Zachary), a Princess (Becca) & a cat/ladybug (Catelyn). The cat costume didn't quite fit so we switched to the ladybug costume on Halloween. Zachary's friend was Luigi from Super Mario Bros. The kids went trick or treating and had fun with all their candy. In a few days, the Great Pumpkin will come exchange their candy for a book.